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Use any Google or Microsoft email address, connect as many accounts as you want, and start building your perfect network.



Your Personal Supergraph

Personal network with sharing and privacy controls
Invite as many people as you want to CTD to share your networks with each other.

If you want to limit your sharing, you can set your network to private or custom, even block people or companies. You have full control over privacy.
Unlimited contacts and companies
Whether your network is 1 thousand or 1 million, it's your network. We don't limit you like others do.
Unlimited email account syncs
Connect as many personal or work email accounts as you want. Connect The Dots will automatically map your network, keep it updated as you make more connections, and unify your contacts and email history across all connected accounts.
Easily import contacts from LinkedIn, Email, and Calendar (soon)
Import and sync your LinkedIn connections, work emails, and personal emails to consolidate your network, and increase your reach.
Automatic de-duplication, enrichment, scoring, and categorization
Clean up your contacts with intelligent de-duplication, bring them to life with enriched data, and gain insights about your network through smart relationship scoring and categorization.
1st and 2nd-degree network
See who in your network has a strong or familiar relationship and might be able to provide insight or an introduction.

Manage Relationships

Search people and companies
Quickly find the people and companies across your entire network by name, company, job title, website, email, and more.
Save static and dynamically-filtered lists
Create lists of people, including investors, customers, partners, and recruiters. Leverage filters for seniority, function, and location.   

Or define a list of companies, pick your job titles, select your ideal connectors, run your list, and identify your best paths to target accounts.
Network updates: job changes, new contacts, activity tracking, and more
Stay on top of personal and company network updates. Track the progress of intro requests, know when contacts have changed jobs, see new contacts added to your network, stay on top of accepted invites, and more.
Interaction history
See your entire interaction history across all synced work and personal accounts in one place — starting with email. We'll soon be adding calendar, messaging, calls, and more to give you a full timeline of your relationship.
Personal notes
Jot down quick personal notes about the contacts and companies you're engaging.

Request Warm Intros

Send smart intro requests
CTD recommends the best path based on relationship strength and auto-generates a good ask with relevant data. This makes asking for help simple and frictionless.
Email templates with merge variables
Create email templates with merge variables such as {{first_name}}, {{title}}, or {{target.linkedin_profile}}. Use templates one-off or execute bulk email sends from your Gmail or Outlook account.
Send reminders
Send 1-off or bulk reminders to connectors to get faster replies and drive more introductions.
Manage communications and track progress
CTD makes it easy to track the workflow of making asks, receiving offers, and, ultimately, fruitful connections. All communications run through your email, but they can be centrally managed and tracked in our Inbox.

Work Anywhere

Chrome extension for Gmail, LinkedIn, and Salesforce
Look at any person or company on LinkedIn or Salesforce or open a Gmail thread and use the Connect The Dots tab to see who really knows who, dig into your relationship history, and find valuable context you can’t get anywhere else.
Mobile-responsive app
Take your network with you everywhere in your pocket.


Surface unseen relationships between people and companies, and find connections to buyers, new hires, partners, investors, and more.


For up to 50 employees

More than 50 employees? Contact sales

Everything in Personal, plus:

Company Supergraph

Shared company network
Employees will gain visibility into their shared network of Linkedin connections and emails contacts to know who they can reach and the best path for an intro.
Unlimited external collaborators
Invite your board members, investors, advisors, partners, customer advocates, friends and family, and more to expand your network size, and more easily coordinate making connections.
Career, school, and city overlaps (soon)
Uncover all the people that you know who have worked together, went to the same school, or lived in the same city at the same time — even if they're not currently in our network.
Advanced relationship scoring and insights
We analyze more relationship data across our network and the web to improve relationship scoring and provide summary context on how people know each other in your network.
3rd-degree extended network
Drastically increase your network size and visibility with 3rd degree connection visibility.

Manage Relationships

Advanced data and filters
View and filter your contacts and companies, and relationships between them in more powerful ways to get the most out of your network.
Manage company and contact intro stages
Keep track of which companies and contacts you're reaching out to and their progress so you know how you're doing and can pick up where you left off.
Import target accounts and personas
Import, view and filter by your target accounts and personas from your CRM system or elsewhere so you can focus on the most important part of your network.
Import prospects, opportunities, and customers
Import, view and filter by your prospects, opportunities, and current customers from your CRM system or elsewhere so you can expand accounts, multi-thread opportunities, run outbound prospecting plays, and more.
Sync Salesforce lists
Automatically sync any Salesforce account list to build new lists, and keep CTD in sync with your CRM data.
Sync Salesforce records and activities (soon)
Automatically pull in Salesforce contact, account and opportunity records, standard and custom fields, and related activity history to get the full picture, and keep CTD in sync with your CRM data.

Request Warm Intros

Shared lists to generate intro offers
Create a list of high-value targets you're trying to reach and share it with people in your network. They'll see the list filtered for all the people they know, with the ability to offer help or leave comments.
Draft ghost emails for other people
Compose an email for your connector to send and share it to their draft folder. They can open it up, make some tweaks, and fire it off.

When your target receives an email from someone they know or someone with clout, they're far more likely to respond and far more likely to act.
Team collaboration and workflows
Share lists to generate comments and feedback. Collaborate on emails with draft on behalf. Set approved requesters and owners for companies and contacts. And much more...
Connector preferences and limits (soon)
Personalize your outreach to connectors and protect your relationships to them at scale by setting ownership, approved requesters, email templates, monthly ask limits, and more.

Enterprise Administration

Fast company-wide deployment
Onboard your entire company to Connect The Dots quickly, simply, and securely, with minimal configuration, perfect data, and no need to make changes to other systems.
Dedicated onboarding, support and success
We provide role-based training for your sellers, sales development team, recruiters, or deal teams to get your team ramped quickly.

We're here for you 24/7 with priority support and a dedicated success manager to help you win.
Admin tools and controls
We equip admins with everything they need to manage user access, invite external collaborators, monitor onboarding progress, setup and manage integrations, adjust privacy & security settings, send mass-emails related to CTD, and more.
Company-wide privacy settings, and custom data retention policies
Customize exactly what data is shared with whom, so only the right people can see your employees’ networks and private information stays private.

Exercise fine-grained control over exactly what data an employee can take with them when they leave the organization.
Data exports and API access (soon)
Pull data from Connect The Dots into any other system.
To keep things simple and maximize the network effect, we price based upon the total number of employees

Create an account

Your best paths to revenue are invisible. Connect The Dots reveals unseen 
relationships and hidden connections that help sellers sell.

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